The Silkhouse House


The 5 Unsuspected Benefits of Silk for Your Skin and Hair

Discover the unsuspected benefits of silk for your skin and hair: hydration, hypoallergenic properties and temperature regulation, for a natural shine and incomparable softness.


Silk Masks: The Secret to Glowing Skin

Silk masks are a revolution in skincare. Learn how they can hydrate, revitalize and protect your face.


Silk Exfoliating Gloves: A Gentle Gesture for Your Skin

Silk exfoliating gloves combine gentleness and effectiveness. Discover how they can cleanse, soften and revitalize your skin while preserving its integrity.


The Benefits of Silk Night Caps for Your Hair

Discover how silk nightcaps can revolutionize your hair care routine. They protect your hair, reduce frizz and promote healthy hair.


Silkhouse Tips for a Perfect Skincare Routine

Discover the perfect skincare routine with Silkhouse products, made from silk, for soft and radiant skin. Incorporate our silk accessories and treatments into your beauty ritual to soothe and enhance your skin every day!